“My problem is that I can’t sleep! Why would I need a mental health therapist?” is a common question asked by individuals suffering from chronic insomnia, who after years of unsuccessfully trying multiple treatments and techniques are referred to our office.
To make matters more confusing, many insomniacs are high functioning. They may even pride themselves in utilizing the extra time that they are awake to work and catch up on things that they did not get a chance to do during the day.
However, study after study show that insomnia can be linked to greater incidence of anxiety, depression and lower productivity at work, as well as other problems such as hypertension and diabetes to name a few. The recommendation of the American College of Physicians is for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to be the initial treatment for chronic insomnia disorder.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) addresses the individual’s unique causes for the insomnia and helps him or her develop patterns conducive to healthy and effective sleep behaviors. CBT-I does so by changing sleep habits and schedules as well as correcting incorrect beliefs and expectations about sleep and insomnia.
Generally, a CBT-I treatment plan involves 6-8 individual weekly sessions. At every visit a specific sleep diary provided by the therapist is reviewed and evaluated for progress, and in collaboration with the client, feedback and guidance are provided as needed.
If you believe that you may have insomnia, here are 4 simple suggestions that you can try on your own that can help:
1. Keep a regular sleep schedule – Go to sleep and wake up every day at the same time.
2. Engage in relaxing actions prior to bedtime- Stay away from activities that are stressful and cause anxiety.
3. Avoid daytime naps – they are one of the most common barriers to a good night sleep.
4. Avoid caffeine- especially close to bedtime.
If these tips alone are not enough, reach out to a sleep specialist certified in CBT-I. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is an evidence-based treatment- deemed the gold standard by sleep professionals. The treatment focuses on adjusting incorrect thoughts, beliefs and behaviors related to sleep. The statistics are telling of great success of CBT-I in helping individuals sleep well and often allowing them to do so without sleep medications.